Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Meaning of Sex Dreams

The Meaning of Sex Dreams

Are you dreaming of sex

The sex dream and looking for the meaning of sex in a dream is something of a pastime for dream interpreters. Sexual content, feelings of love, flirtation, and nocturnal rendezvous are often very explicit in dreams.

So, in your sex dream, if you are a man and having sex with a very sexually attractive woman who is obviously wanting you, but you are having trouble "performing", then it might be interpreted as the feminine part of you wanting to become a greater part of your outer life and identity.

You are struggling in the dream to function sexually because you are not comfortable with that side of you and so you do not letting it show up in public.

This would be the symbolism of the sexual difficulty he is experiencing in the dream, and is not foreshadowing that he will soon be impotent!

Unless...he has actually been having some problems in this sector... then the dream could be a night-time re-hashing of the real-life event that is most certainly causing some stress.

Or imagine an elderly woman dreaming that she is making love to a young beautiful man. This sex dream may embarrass and worry her thinking that she secretly desires someone half her age or even more.

The meaning of her sexual dream could simply be that she has only just started (a young man, rather than a middle-aged or even older man in the dream) begun to have a relationship with her masculine self, her animus.

How would she see a manifestation of that in real life? She might have been recently widowed and now, for the first time, she is taking care of bills, making financial and other business decisions, and in some way being more pro-active, in the way we think of men as being pro-active, independent, and entrepreneurial, than she has ever been in the past.

Or perhaps a woman who has become bitter in life due to failed relationships, and who has been in therapy, working on those matters, has now had a dream where she is making love to a faceless stranger, but the sensation she has is one of deep and tender feelings during the dream.

The symbolic meaning might be that she has finally opened up her inner self to a new relationship in real life, and also has opened her inner self to make possible the merging (sex) of her feminine and masculine self.

Likewise a man who dreams of having sex with a witch, or a woman who in some way is trying to undermine him or hurt him, or who frightens him in the dream, might, in waking life, ask himself what it is he is afraid of regarding the expression of his feminine self in real life.

all you wanted to know about dream analogy sex and more

The fact that he battles with the witch, or is frightened by the woman in bed with him in the dream, may symbolize that he rejects and fears his feminine side in real life, or that he feels if he expresses this nascent side of his personality he will be swallowed by it, suffocated, or in some other way lose himself .

If, after some time, he begins to dream of having good or loving sex with a beautiful woman, rather than with a witch-like creature, it would possibly be symbolizing that he has begun the process of accepting his feminine side and is now more at peace with the expression of that in his real life.

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